Coming Soon…


Well, here we are.

It all happened so fast I'm still having trouble grasping it myself.

Several months ago, I did a secret release - a pilot of sorts - for the whole thing on Bandcamp. Your reactions and support were overwhelmingly positive, but I honestly never expected it to go this far.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll just leave you with this flyer.

If all goes well, Ensorcelled will come out soon on CD format with the generous help of Masters of Kaos Productions.

Dear followers and friends, my fellow renegades of the spirit, I could not have brought this to you without your heartfelt support, for which I am infinitely grateful.

"Ensorcelled" is my humble offering to the genre. It is a love letter, if you wish, to the great masterpieces of Black Metal which ensorcelled me into doing the Great Work of drawing order out of Khaos. A work which I practice, among other ways, through music composition.

P.S. In the meantime, you can still get a sneak peak of "Ensorcelled" on the project's Bandcamp. Just click the icon above… Follow and share if you like what you're hearing!

 P.P.S We're having a listening party for the album in September and here's the link to our event. Be sure to RSVP and save your spot, see you there!

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