Darkwood And Synths

Darkwood and Agnivolok's gig yesterday was nothing short of stellar. Just the fact that something like that actually happened on this little patch of dirt I call home has made it so. In my mind I can still hear Henryk singing "our life passes by like idle chatter"...And I can still see his and Vera's somber stage presence, the contemplative and somewhat sad eyes that makes you wonder what they have seen...

I have listened to and came to know and love many Black Metal masterpieces while travelling across this land with headphones in my ears, but yesterday these were replaced by the work we've done so far on Khaos's first release. For some reason it felt like somewhat of a monumental, victorious moment to me.

But we've still got lots of work before us, tons of stuff to coordinate and take care of till this release will finally be out, assuming it will actually happen...Last Wednesday we were back in Ratimus's studio working on synths. Honestly I was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to take care of but also got a few useful insights toward our work in the future, if there will be.

But yesterday night I momentarily and meagerly celebrated this small victory with some anchovy Aglio e Olio pasta, red wine, whiskey and Neofolk.

So in the spirit of what KPN's Famine have lovingly dubbed "The Big Brother Syndrome", I'm sharing all these with you. Yes, even the pasta.

To the small moments of victory,

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