My reviews have found new homes...and more

As you guys may know, this blog has lately been a host to all my random rants and ravings on everything important that's been happening in the local Black/Extreme (but mainly Black) Metal scene, however these have found two new homes in Reshimot Tohu (which roughly translate to The Chaos Notes) online zine, and on my friend's Black Metal Realm blog, so we'll be seeing you there, hopefully.

On a different note, if everything will go well (I won't believe it's actually happening until it will), I'll be doing some recordings for a debut EP in the following few days (!). Since we're only at the beginning our work, it will take some time until any teasers will come out, but I'll keep you updated on the process.

In the meantime, I've got to get myself knee deep into rehearsals and try not to go completely crazy like the guys here from Old Funeral...


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